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Re: Engine cleaning

To: Edward Hamilton <hamilton@ptd.net>
Subject: Re: Engine cleaning
From: William Davies <daviesw@ecid.cig.mot.com>
Date: Fri, 30 Jul 1999 15:50:44 +0100
Edward Hamilton wrote:
> The Haynes manual says not to clean engine parts having oil galley ways with
> kerosene.  Does anyone know why?

I think this is because of the non-lubricity of Kerosene - any remaining
in the galleries will find it's way to the bearing surfaces. I would
have thought it would be OK as long as any remaining kerosene was
properly dried off.

> Also, what's the hunk of puddy like substance on the outside of the timing
> cover?

Sound deadening. It took me several Triumphs before I realised why it
was there!

                            This Message sent by: 
   /                  \     William Davies 
  /                    \    Total Triumph Enthusiast 
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| =  H              H  = |  1960 Herald 948 Saloon Export 
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