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Re: Alternator Trouble

To: Growe58@aol.com
Subject: Re: Alternator Trouble
From: Joe Curry <spitlist@gte.net>
Date: Fri, 16 Jul 1999 13:37:49 -0700
Take it down to your local chain auto parts store and have them test. 
It typically is free.  If it tests bad, ask them if they have a lifetime
warranty replacement.  If they do, you won't have to spend another dime
on the thing.  (But be sure to keep the paperwork)

Growe58@aol.com wrote:
> After months of glowing dimly, the alternator light is now brightly shining.
> The funny thing is that the battery isn't running down at all.  There doesn't
> seem to be any short from the light to the alternator, so I am assuming an
> internal fault.  Shamefully, particularly for a long time LBC owner, I have no
> electrical test equipment.  My questions are:
> - Is this likely something easy to fix?
> - If not, can I hook up an ammeter gauge to measure charging?  Will it work
>   with the light shorted?  (if that's what in fact happened)
> - Will the light continue to provide the necessary "excitement" to initialize
>   the alternator in this condition?
> My frugality rebels at the thought of replacing an alternator that IS charging
> because of a dysfunctional warning light. :)
> THANKS as always!
> -Greg
> 78 Spit

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