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Re: #2 Cylinder Not Firing

To: Michael Graziano <mgrazian@ltcm.com>
Subject: Re: #2 Cylinder Not Firing
From: Rick Gregory <rick_gregory@yahoo.com>
Date: Tue, 6 Jul 1999 07:16:04 -0700 (PDT)

<sorry for the blank message>

It sounds like something is shorting out when your
rotor is in the #2 firing position. Is there anything
under the cap (a mounting bracket, etc) that be
providing an easier path to ground than the ignition
wire/plug itself?

I've seen some ignition systems with mounting brackets
that go near the rotor tip when it approaches the
cap's pickup terminal for the #2 cylinder. 

If this is the case, I recommend coating the bracket
with corona red (TV) dope. It is a highly insulative
substance which dries rock hard.

Good Luck,

--- Michael Graziano <mgrazian@ltcm.com> wrote:
> Well,  the saga continues.  I bought a $20 coil this
> weekend to try and get
> the car past emissions.  That sport coil I bought
> 400 miles ago died
> already.  It'll have to go back....
> Once again,  almost running smooth,  but my #2
> cylinder is not firing.  I'm
> pretty sure it's ignition related b/c when I put the
> timing light on the #2
> wire,  I only get it to light intermittently as if
> there is no spark going
> to the plug.  The misses revealed by the timing
> light coincide with mini
> backfires from the exhaust. 
> I put a new cap and rotor, a new wire (Accel 8mm
> Silicone, and I tried
> different ones, even ones I KNEW to be good), and a
> new NGK plug.  It's
> still only gets intermittent spark. The spark is
> more consistant at higher
> RPM's, BTW.  Any ideas.  Here are the car specks
> (you guys should know these
> by heart already <grin>)
> '78 Midget 1500 (Spit Engine)
> Optronic Lumenition Ignition System
> Standard Lucas 45DE4 electronic distributor (The
> electronics are disabled)
> ZS Carb
> No ballast resistor
> Conductive Jelly on wire connector at distributor
> cap.
> Michael
> Oh yeah,  thanks for all the help with the driveway
> problem.  I went with
> paint remover and laundry detergent on a few spots. 
> Worked like a charm.
>         __/__,_
>   _____(_o___o_)_______________________
>  /                                     \
> |           Michael Graziano            |
> |   Long Term Capital Management L.P.   |
> |         Phone: 203-552-5706           |
> |         Fax:   203-552-5869           |
> |       Email: mgrazian@ltcm.com        |
>  \_____________________________________/

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