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RE: Lotus Elise

To: "'Eric Kieboom'" <ekieboom@xs4all.nl>,
Subject: RE: Lotus Elise
From: Dean Dashwood <DDashwood@softwright.co.uk>
Date: Fri, 14 May 1999 10:38:24 +0100
I agree you don't need A/C - but I prefer not to have an allen key (sp?)
supplied with the car for taking the roof off.

I'm serious!  A friend of mine traded in his Mazda MX5 for an Elise a
while ago.  But he found he had to leave the house nearly 10 minutes
earlier to get to work in the mornings - because it took that long to
take the roof off before he left, and put it back on when he got to
work!  The car looks fast, and drives fast, but IMHO that's really about
all it's got going for it.  Of course, if that's all you look for in a
car, go for it!  (My friend had a very nice MiniDisc remote-control
stereo installed - that was nice too, but not standard.)

>From:  Laura G.[SMTP:savercool@email.msn.com]
>Sent:  14 May 1999 01:59
>To:    Eric Kieboom; Simmons, Reid W; Craig Smith; spitfires@autox.team.net
>Subject:       Re: Lotus Elise 
>But, who needs A/C and all that other garbage! <G>
>Laura G. and Nigel
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Eric Kieboom <ekieboom@xs4all.nl>
>To: Simmons, Reid W <reid.w.simmons@intel.com>; Craig Smith
><CraigS@iewc.com>; spitfires@autox.team.net <spitfires@autox.team.net>
>Date: Thursday, May 13, 1999 3:50 PM
>Subject: RE: Lotus Elise
>>At 11:50 13-05-1999 -0700, Simmons, Reid W wrote:
>>>WOW!  That's far less than my '97 Camaro Z-28 would have cost if I had
>>>"stupid" enough to pay list price!  (Got it at fleet cost or about 20-25%
>>>off of sticker.)
>>Sure, but the Lotus only weighs about a quarter of the Camaro and comes
>>*without* A/C, any sound deadening whatsoever, carpets, power anything (not
>>even brakes), sound system, decent luggage space, spare tyre, airbags,
>>heated rear screen and a host of other things you like in your Z-28.
>>But it does have rock-'ard, non-adjustable seats, bare aluminium floor
>>(thin rubber mats are extra), an optional radio fitting kit, an aerosol can
>>in case you get a flat, a 'build-it-yourself-top', just like on a MkI/II
>>Spit (but worse), inaccessible engine, and 'wind'em-yourself-windows' with
>>wobbly plastic winders that drop off in sharp corners.
>>Oh, and it also comes with an unbelievable grin factor, caused mainly by
>>its terrific power-to-weight ratio, amazing roadholding and general
>>nippyness. And most of it doesn't rust. Ever.
>>Even if Lotus hadn't done something about the initial iffy build quality, I
>>would *still* prefer a Lotus Elise over a Camaro. Or pretty much any other
>>car for that matter.
>>Eric Kieboom
>>The Netherlands
>>1976 Spit 1500 - original Java Green

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