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Re: Windshield (windscreen) trim

To: spitfires@autox.team.net
Subject: Re: Windshield (windscreen) trim
From: nikolai jaremka <njaremka@yahoo.com>
Date: Thu, 13 May 1999 03:53:38 -0700 (PDT)
i have the stainless trim on my car! :)

--- BWN <bwnbcg@cruzio.com> wrote:
> Michael
> The Haines manual shows a little tool you can make out of
> a
> screwdriver.  I found it essential to install the new
> trim.  Which by
> the way was not quite formed right.  It never did bend
> down in the lower
> corners right.  If you get real lucky, you can find a
> MKIV that had the
> real stainless steel trim, instead of the plastic coated
> stuff.  I think
> they made it for only one or two years.  It is dear. 
> even if you do not
> need it, but see it in the bone yard, get it.  It
> installs right and
> easy and doesn't get sun damaged.
> Good luck
> Brian
> 79 Spit
> 65 Spit

nikolai jaremka
72 spitfire mkIV
east aurora, new york

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