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Re: Door handles/locks

To: Andrew Mace <amace@unix2.nysed.gov>
Subject: Re: Door handles/locks
From: Zach <zzalet@po-box.mcgill.ca>
Date: Thu, 25 Mar 1999 16:17:20 -0500

Andrew Mace wrote:

> inflexible vinyl (that had
> been unsnapped, but don't forget that little tab that is supposed to be
> shut in the door on the B post end),

Is that what the little tab is for?  Supposed to actually be in the shut face
area?  I've never known, and it has invariably just flapped in the win when
I've been parked anywhere.  What other arcane uses does the soft top have that
I don't know about?  How bout the extra snaps above the rear window?  They
don't seem to have anything inparticular to snap to...

Zach Zaletel
70 Spit Mk III
McGill University

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