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Re: brake lines: do I need that thing?

Subject: Re: brake lines: do I need that thing?
From: Andrew Mace <amace@unix2.nysed.gov>
Date: Sat, 31 Oct 1998 13:26:29 -0500 (EST)
On Sat, 31 Oct 1998, KEVIN EDDINS wrote:

> I'm replacing my rear brake lines with stainless steel lines, and I need to
> know why the current flexible line connects to a solid line that goes
> under the drive (axel) shaft and then into the cylinder.
> I would like to avoid this solid brake line, if it is advisable.  My workshop
> manual shows the flexible line connecting directly into the cylinder. 

WAG: as this change was made coincident with the introduction of the 1" 
longer axles (1973 models), I'm guessing that it was an economcial way to 
adapt the brake hydraulics to the longer axle length. It preserved the 
original chassis connection point, and may even have been a way to avoid 
having a longer hose possibly interfere with the axle or other suspension 

Just a guess!


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* Andrew Mace, President and                *
*   10/Herald/Vitesse (Sports 6) Consultant *
* Vintage Triumph Register <www.vtr.org>    *
* amace@unix2.nysed.gov                     *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

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