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Re: Mr. Joseph Lucas

To: "Triumphs List" <triumphs@Autox.Team.Net>,
Subject: Re: Mr. Joseph Lucas
From: "jonmac" <jonmac@ndirect.co.uk>
Date: Fri, 30 Oct 1998 22:59:36 -0000
Continuing this theme . . . 
I met a man today at Gaydon, heavily burdened with a large tool tray - and
sweat on his brow.
"Where's the Lucas thing?" said he.
"And who are you?" I asked.
"I'm from Lucas," was the reply.
I took him to the Lucas display which is supposed to show electronic
vehicle systems. 
An impressive display too, a nice comfy bench fronts it. There's only one
The display hasn't worked for two years! The man who originally put it
together has since died
and no-one at Lucas knows how to fix it.
He looked at it in amazement.
"Don't know anything about this," he said. "I've come about the electric
vehicle built for
the Duke of Edinburgh, wot you've got."
Well, after a lot of argy bargy and digging up half of England trying to
find the key to open the
driver's door, we tried it in the ignition.

It didn't work.

I saw him about four hours later, just before he went home.
"Fixed it?"
"Nah. Don't know what's the matter with it. Batteries are fully charged,
relays all working, can't understand it."
Half an hour later we found out why - after he'd left. Someone had taken
out the main motor!!!!!!!!!!!

John Mac

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