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MC needed +updates

To: spitfires@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: MC needed +updates
From: "Ryan Smith" <shmitty99@hotmail.com>
Date: Fri, 09 Oct 1998 16:00:34 PDT
Listers I have come to a little stopping point with my renovation.  My 
MC is beyond rebuilding (or so says my machinist due to a lot of rust).  
So I am in need of a replacement ASAP.  

Specifically I need a tandem, large capped reservoir type master 
cylinder found on MkIV's.  I am open to individuals who have one in 
great condition, or I'd like some advice to where I might be able to 
find a rebuilt (or new) one at a reasonable price.

I also feel like I should give a little update on my progress to date.  
My differtial swap is waiting till I can drive the car again (when I get 
a new MC).  The battery box is still untouched but I do have the new one 
and I have gotten the new tranny cover in.  I ended up putting the 
always popular aluminum foil bubble wrap under it.  This really made a 
good seal but it was HELL to get in.  I've also installed my radiator 
valances, which I'm quite proud of.  I'm also getting some bits 
recovered in vinyl.  The generous Dan Masters has sent me the green 
"hats" for my gauges which I plan to install when I get them.

that's about it, as always thanks for your help

Ryan Smith
72 Emerald Green Spit without brakes

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