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The top.

To: warfiel@gaul.csd.uwo.ca, triumphs@Autox.Team.Net, spitfires@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: The top.
From: SUCHAK <suchak@mediaone.net>
Date: Wed, 07 Oct 1998 01:29:43 -0400
Hey Andy,

Thanks for finally responding.  After a couple of direct e-mails on the
subject I was afraid you may not have been at this e-mail address
anymore.  In the absence of any contact at all from you after the top
was delivered it was really starting to look like I was going to be
stiffed for my top and money to ship it..

I reviewed the timeline of our correspondence after reading your reply,
and found it to be different than your recollection, specifically:

On july 10th I sent you an e-mail stating that I had recieved your check
for $25, as we originally thought the shipping would cost.
On july 21st I sent you an e-mail stating that I had taken the top to
the shippers and found that it would in fact cost over $50 to ship. I
gave you the option of covering the additional shipping cost and offered
to return your check should you not want to pay the difference. We
discussed trying to remove the top from the frame and I said I would
check it out as soon as I got a moment.
On 7/24 I sent another e-mail detailing the shipping method and charges
quoted by the guy at mailboxes etc.
8/4 finds another message from me saying that I had finally had a chance
to go out to the shop and examine the top to see if it could be removed
without destroying it.  Again I gave you the option of returning your
check or covering the balance.  (This was right after my SURGERY,
remember?)  You responded a couple of days later and said to go ahead
and ship it.  That would be the 6th or 7th of august.
8/19 I sent you e-mail upon my return from a business trip, apologized
for being so busy and promised to try to ship the top ASAP.
On 9/1 I sent an e-mail stating that the top had been shipped and
provided a confirmation number for tracking. (That would be about 3
WEEKS after we finally agreed to ship it complete with the frame and
exchange frames.)
9/9 sent you another e-mail letting you know that I had recieved
delivery confirmation and asked if it was working well for you.  There
was no reply.
9/28 another e-mail, again asking if it was serving you well.  Again, no

Just thought the record should be set straight...  Believe me, I can
identify 100% with being busy, but some response, any response would
have done wonders to avoid this misunderstanding.  It's one thing to get
burned on a deal where you're making some profit, but to get burned in a
deal where I'm literally *giving something away for free* had a
particular sting.

Again, thanks for finally responding.  Sorry to have stirred up a
tempest in our little teapot fellow listers.

regards, and best wishes,


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