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Re: Leaking fuel pump

To: Conn <conn@wctc.net>
Subject: Re: Leaking fuel pump
From: Bob Sykes <s1500@worldnet.att.net>
Date: Sun, 27 Sep 1998 12:24:09 -0700

1. Looks like two (related) problems.  All the aftermarket fuel 
pumps I've seen use the rubber diaphram as the seal between
the two halves (haven't seen a "gasket" here).  There should
only be fuel in upper half of the pump.  If fuel is getting
into the bottom half, the diaphram is torn or leaking.  The
fuel will then (usually) leak out of the vent hole, or go
into the crank-case.  Check that your engine oil level hasn't
suddenly gone up.

2. I usually use a paper gasket in conjunction with the spacer.
"Form-a-Gasket" type sealants would work ok too.  These are to
prevent engine oil from seeping out here.  If you're getting gas
leaking out between the pump/block, there's a problem with the

Hope this helps,

Bob Sykes

"Sometimes one pays most for the things one gets for nothing."
--Albert Einstein

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