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Re: Naming Your Spit - renaming mine

To: <jonmac@ndirect.co.uk>
Subject: Re: Naming Your Spit - renaming mine
From: "Laura G." <savercool@msn.com>
Date: Mon, 7 Sep 1998 00:54:21 -0700
Hi John!
I read your message and thought-this guy must be in the U.K. How did I know?
Because it is such a rare treat to see a Supermarine Spitfire fly in the
USA. Igo to a lot of west coast air shows and the only time I had the thrill
to see a Supermarine was at a British Car day that was held at the Santa
Monica Airport-What a thrill !!! Thanks for sharing.
Have you seen some of the sights regarding the Supermarine Spitfire? Really
terrific-if you can't tell-aeroplanes are a passion of mine-I even have a
special Spitfire/Battle of Britain corner!!

Laura G.
'78 BRG Spitfire named 'Nigel'

p.s.-I'd vote for Hurricane as the name for a new model!
-----Original Message-----
From: jonmac <jonmac@ndirect.co.uk>
To: Laura G. <savercool@msn.com>
Cc: List, Tiumphs <triumphs@autox.team.net>; List Spitfire
Date: Monday, September 07, 1998 12:30 AM
Subject: Re: Naming Your Spit - renaming mine

>Hi, Laura
>> And lastly--reality you say? You drive a Spitfire!  ;-)
>Sorry Laura, you fly it - even if it is on the road. On Saturday afternoon,
>I was taking a 'constitutional' in the hills near home when I heard a very
>familiar but all too rare sound these days.
>It was that of a Rolls Royce Merlin V12 engine, attached to arguably the
>most beautiful small airframe yet devised by man - namely the Supermarine
>Spitfire. The pilot was up there in the clear blue sky having the time of
>his life and he entertained me for all of 15 minutes. Stall turns, diving
>for the ground, barrel rolls, loops - it was sheer magic and almost
>entirely overhead. I was standing on top of this hill frantically waving
>both my arms at this beautiful little aeroplane and quite enchanted by its
>antics. Of course, there wasn't a chance for the pilot to have seen me - a
>mere speck of humanity - and eventually I gave up the arm work. I watched
>as he flattened out of a dive and peeled off to fly away from me. About two
>miles away he turned again, and then flew straight at me, waggling his
>wings. As he passed overhead, no more than fifty feet above me in a roar of
>propellor and Merlin, a fuselage shining with camoflage and an underside of
>pale blue, I noticed the cockpit canopy was slid back and a hand waved from
>it. And he was gone.
>Up till now, my Spitfire has been named OIK - but I think BATTLE is now far
>more appropriate. As he dived at me waggling those beautiful wings and
>absolutely end on, I now know the view of a Spitfire from the pilot in a
>Messerschmit (in the Battle of Britain) or a Zero in the Far East. It's one
>of the most menacing yet beautiful sights I've ever seen. Thank goodness he
>hadn't got me lined up in his sights with the Brownings and Cannons set to
>FIRE. I'd have been blown off my hilltop.
>If Rover ever come out with a small sports car again, I truly hope they
>call it a Hurricane - though as the company is now owned by BMW - I doubt
>this name would even be considered.
>John Mac

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