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Re: Slipping O.D.

To: Edward Hamilton <hamilton@ptd.net>
Subject: Re: Slipping O.D.
From: Bob & Linda Norway <examiner@scci.net>
Date: Mon, 01 Jun 1998 15:09:33 -0400
Edward Hamilton wrote:

> Prior to removing the tranny and replacing the clutch on my '80 Spitfire
> (about two months ago) the overdrive unit seemed to work perfectly.
> Until last night, I thought I had a slipping clutch -- which I'm now
> convinced to be the overdrive.  While removed, the only thing I did to
> the tranny and overdrive was to drain the fluid (no idea what was in
> it), clean the filters and top it off with the specified 85-90 GL/4 gear
> oil.
> I've spoken to a reported guru of gearbox/od units who tells me he never
> puts 90 wt. gear oil in them -- too slippery and can cause the unit to
> slip when in direct drive.  Says he has always put straight motor oil in
> -- 50 wt.  His suggestion to me is to drain the unit and fill it with
> regular automatic transmission fluid, run it for a few miles and drain
> again -- the A.T.F. to help clean out the 90 wt. gear oil.  Then to fill
> the unit with straight 50 wt. motor oil.  He offered this suggestion
> prior to my sending the thing to him for a rebuild, so I believe he has
> my best interest at heart.
> Would like to know if any other listers have had this type of problem
> and/or comments regarding the above.  In other words, what do you guys
> have in your gearbox?
> Best regards,
> Ed Hamilton


I've been using an 80W90 EP limited slip diff gear lub that (according to
the specs) exceeds API GL-5 classification. I've had no problems with any
slipping in my O/D unit. Mine is a daily driver, back and forth to work
round trip approx 30 miles and then out in the country on weekends (when I'm
not cutting the grass, fixing the house, etc)


Bob & Linda in Rockledge, Florida
'76 Spit 1500 FM43376UO
Daily Driver

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