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Re: uh oh..

To: rstieg@ci.bartlett.tn.us
Subject: Re: uh oh..
From: Cwn74 <Cwn74@aol.com>
Date: Mon, 6 Apr 1998 22:55:26 EDT
Try the outside doorhandle...
I assume you thought of that...
Taking the bolts to the hinges off will leave you with the sliding-in-and-out-
door-opening-limiter (whatever it's called) preventing you from doing anything
usefull.  Plus, if you pulled the door out that way you'd bend up the rear
quarter at the door latch.  Big price to pay.  I've never done this, but I
would try to remove the inside handle mechanism fro the door and fiddle with
the linkeage to get it opened.  I know many people have had it break and don't
remember any major problems except the price of the new handle!
Good luck.

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