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This is just a light on my home/shop. While I
try to do things the right way, no one will be
inspecting this. Does code even apply to
this? This is essentially a light fixture, not
part of structure wiring. I have seen homemade
light fixtures like creative artistic
chandeliers. I have also seen outdoor lights
made of things like old lanterns or the globes
from old gas pumps. I'm not trying to challenge
you here, I really don't know where the line is drawn.
-Steve T
At 08:21 PM 6/5/2024, Brian Kemp wrote:
>Content-Type: multipart/alternative;
> boundary=3D"------------V8f0o51C9vHv2V58ybq4bDtm"
>Content-Language: en-US
>Check local codes.=C2 My city does not allow
>junctions in pull boxes like these.=C2 I had
>several to change angles or in the middle of
>long pulls and had to open the cover for the building inspector.
>On 6/5/2024 12:49 AM, Mark Miller wrote:
>>If the wires aren't long enough you can extend
>>it with a piece of threaded conduit and pipe
>>plus a type C conduit body you can make the
>>connection in:
>>Mark Miller 707-490-5834
>>>Outside my shop I have a typical flood light with two of these:
>>>Is there any way to extend the part with the threaded end? Through
>>>some bad planning, one of the lights is blocked by the gutter
>>>downspout. I would like to extend it out from there. If the wires
>>>need to be longer I can figure out how to do that. Whatever I do
>>>will have to be suitable for outdoor use. Moving the downspout would
>>>be difficult. I can also relocate the whole light, but some sort of
>>>extension arm would be the quickest and easiest solution of it is
>>>possible. Thanks.
>>>-Steve T.
>>Donate: <http://www.team.net/donate.html>http://www.team.net/donate.html
>>Suggested annual donation $12.96
>Donate: http://www.team.net/donate.html
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Brian, <br><br>
This is just a light on my home/shop. While I try to do things the
right way, no one will be inspecting this. Does code even apply to
this? This is essentially a light fixture, not part of structure
wiring. I have seen homemade light fixtures like creative artistic
chandeliers. I have also seen outdoor lights made of things like
old lanterns or the globes from old gas pumps. I'm not trying to
challenge you here, I really don't know where the line is drawn.
-Steve T<br><br>
At 08:21 PM 6/5/2024, Brian Kemp wrote:<br>
<blockquote type=3Dcite class=3Dcite cite=3D"">Content-Type:
Content-Language: en-US<br><br>
Check local codes.=C2 My city does not allow junctions in pull boxes
like these.=C2 I had several to change angles or in the middle of
long pulls and had to open the cover for the building inspector.<br><br>
On 6/5/2024 12:49 AM, Mark Miller wrote:<br>
<blockquote type=3Dcite class=3Dcite cite=3D""><br>
If the wires aren't long enough you can extend it with a piece of
threaded conduit and pipe plus a type C conduit body you can make the
connection in:
<a href=3D"https://www.lowes.com/pd/Sigma-Electric-ProConnex-1-2-in-Rigid-C=
Mark Miller 707-490-5834
<a href=3D"mailto:markmiller@threeboysfarm.com";>
markmiller@threeboysfarm.com</a></pre><font face=3D"Courier New, Courier">
</font><blockquote type=3Dcite class=3Dcite cite=3D""><br>
<pre>Outside my shop I have a typical flood light with two of these:
<a href=3D"https://www.lowes.com/pd/Sigma-Electric-2-25-in-LED-Gray-Switch-=
Is there any way to extend the part with the threaded end? Through
some bad planning, one of the lights is blocked by the gutter
downspout. I would like to extend it out from there. If the
need to be longer I can figure out how to do that. Whatever I do
will have to be suitable for outdoor use. Moving the downspout
be difficult. I can also relocate the whole light, but some sort of
extension arm would be the quickest and easiest solution of it is
possible. Thanks.
-Steve T.
</pre><font face=3D"Courier New, Courier"></font></blockquote><br><br>
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