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> On Apr 14, 2021, at 13:10, Brian K <bk13@earthlink.net> wrote:
> I'd reach out to Square D and see their recommendation for 120v options. T=
here may be a bus bar jumper designed to connect the bars. They may even rec=
ommend a better panel.
In olden days, there is were 120v 2 wire panels. They were commonly called =E2=
=80=9Cwoodshed =E2=80=9C panels, and were used in farm outbuildings. You ha=
d more than a single circuit load, but not much more, and it saved a wire. I=
don=E2=80=99t know if any one still makes them. =20
> I'm under the impression that you can't connect multiple wires in a break=
er lug. Even had a home inspector write up two wires on the same breaker as a=
In general you can=E2=80=99t have two wires under a lug. They are not design=
ed for it, and can come loose. You can put more than one ground wire under a=
screw if the bar is listed for that ( most are). You cant put more than one=
neutral under a bus screw, because of the risk of disconnecting a neutral f=
rom a live circuit.=20
Some breakers, notably homeline ones, are rated for two wires. Inspectors s=
till call it out, because it=E2=80=99s on their checklist. (The guy who insp=
ected my house called that out, but not the 50a 120v breakers with 14 gauge w=
ire. What the hell uses 50a 120v, btw? They had done it so outlets didn=E2=80=
=99t trip the breaker. ).=20
> Brian
> On Apr 14, 2021 8:22 AM, Jack Brooks <JIBrooks@live.com> wrote:
> Mark,
> =20
> Yes, that screw down connection is sized for 2/0, so I can squeeze two wir=
es in one side of the circuit and run one over to the other side. This seem=
ed logical, but I just wanted to be sure that it was a reasonable solution.
> =20
> Thank you,
> =20
> Jack
> =20
> From: Shop-talk <shop-talk-bounces@autox.team.net> On Behalf Of Mark Mille=
> Sent: Wednesday, April 14, 2021 12:19 AM
> To: shop-talk@autox.team.net
> Subject: Re: [Shop-talk] Square D QO breaker Box
> =20
> It is designed to be fed by 240V (2 phase 120) power. If you are feeding i=
t with a single leg of 120V just tie the two main lugs together and run that=
from your power source. The lugs should be large enough to have your incom=
ing power go into one and then have a second wire in that lug feed the other=
> Regards,
> =20
> Mark Miller 707-490-5834
> markmiller@threeboysfarm.com
> On 4/13/2021 10:01 PM, shop-talk-request@autox.team.net wrote:
> -----Original Message-----
> From: David Scheidt <dmscheidt@gmail.com>=20
> Sent: Tuesday, April 13, 2021 7:58 PM
> To: Jack Brooks <JIBrooks@live.com>
> Cc: Shop Talk <shop-talk@autox.team.net>
> Subject: Re: [Shop-talk] Square D QO breaker Box
> =20
> On Tue, Apr 13, 2021 at 6:39 PM Jack Brooks <JIBrooks@live.com> wrote:
> I am building a Sprinter van into an RV and have a question about the 120v=
breaker box (SquareD QO24L70RBCP). It is a 2-Space, 4-Circuit load center.=
My concern is that while the Neutral bar has four positions on a common ba=
r, the two breaker connections are independent, without a common bar between=
the two. This surprised the heck out of me. My inverter (Victron 24/70/300=
0) has a single AC output with a ?cage clamp? terminal, not a screw down or=
stud terminal which would be easy. I can run a 6 or 8 AWG from the inverter=
to the Breaker box, but it needs to go to the two separate screw down termi=
nals. Physically, I believe I can run an 8 AWG wire into one breaker, and t=
hen back out to the other breaker, but I?m concerned about whether this is a=
code violation.
> _______________________________________________
> Shop-talk@autox.team.net
> Donate: http://www.team.net/donate.html
> Suggested annual donation $12.96
> Archive: http://www.team.net/pipermail/shop-talk http://autox.team.net/arc=
> Unsubscribe/Manage: http://autox.team.net/mailman/options/shop-talk/dmsche=
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
<html><head><meta http-equiv=3D"content-type" content=3D"text/html; charset=3D=
utf-8"></head><body dir=3D"auto"><div dir=3D"ltr"><br></div><div dir=3D"ltr"=
><br><blockquote type=3D"cite">On Apr 14, 2021, at 13:10, Brian K <bk13@e=
arthlink.net> wrote:<br><br></blockquote></div><blockquote type=3D"cite">=
<div dir=3D"ltr">=EF=BB=BF<div dir=3D"auto">I'd reach out to Square D and se=
e their recommendation for 120v options. There may be a bus bar jumper desig=
ned to connect the bars. They may even recommend a better panel.</div></div>=
</blockquote><div><br></div>In olden days, there is were 120v 2 wire panels.=
They were commonly called =E2=80=9Cwoodshed =E2=80=9C panels, and were used=
in farm outbuildings. You had more than a single circuit load, but no=
t much more, and it saved a wire. I don=E2=80=99t know if any one still make=
s them. <div><br></div><div><br><div><br></div><div><br><blockquote ty=
pe=3D"cite"><div dir=3D"ltr"><div dir=3D"auto"><div dir=3D"auto"><br></div><=
div dir=3D"auto"> I'm under the impression that you can't connect multi=
ple wires in a breaker lug. Even had a home inspector write up two wires on t=
he same breaker as a violation</div></div></div></blockquote><div><br></div>=
<div>In general you can=E2=80=99t have two wires under a lug. They are not d=
esigned for it, and can come loose. You can put more than one ground wire un=
der a screw if the bar is listed for that ( most are). You cant put more tha=
n one neutral under a bus screw, because of the risk of disconnecting a neut=
ral from a live circuit. </div><div><br></div><div>Some breakers, notab=
ly homeline ones, are rated for two wires. Inspectors still call it ou=
t, because it=E2=80=99s on their checklist. (The guy who inspected my house c=
alled that out, but not the 50a 120v breakers with 14 gauge wire. What=
the hell uses 50a 120v, btw? They had done it so outlets didn=E2=80=99t tri=
p the breaker. ). </div><div><br></div><div><br></div><blockquote=
type=3D"cite"><div dir=3D"ltr"><div dir=3D"auto"><div dir=3D"auto"><div dir=
=3D"auto">Brian</div></div></div><div class=3D"gmail_extra"><br><div class=3D=
"gmail_quote">On Apr 14, 2021 8:22 AM, Jack Brooks <JIBrooks@live.com>=
wrote:<br type=3D"attribution"><blockquote class=3D"quote" style=3D"margin:=
0 0 0 .8ex;border-left:1px #ccc solid;padding-left:1ex"><div style=3D"word-w=
<p><span style=3D"font-size:12pt;font-family:'times new roman' , serif;color=
<p><span style=3D"font-size:12pt;font-family:'times new roman' , serif;color=
:#002060"> </span></p>
<p><span style=3D"font-size:12pt;font-family:'times new roman' , serif;color=
:#002060">Yes, that screw down connection is sized for 2/0, so I can squeeze=
two wires in one side of the circuit and run one over to the other side.&nb=
sp; This seemed logical,
but I just wanted to be sure that it was a reasonable solution.</span></p>
<p><span style=3D"font-size:12pt;font-family:'times new roman' , serif;color=
:#002060"> </span></p>
<p><span style=3D"font-size:12pt;font-family:'times new roman' , serif;color=
:#002060">Thank you,</span></p>
<p><span style=3D"font-size:12pt;font-family:'times new roman' , serif;color=
:#002060"> </span></p>
<p><span style=3D"font-size:12pt;font-family:'times new roman' , serif;color=
<p><span style=3D"font-size:12pt;font-family:'times new roman' , serif;color=
:#002060"> </span></p>
<div style=3D"border:none;border-top:solid #e1e1e1 1pt;padding:3pt 0in 0in 0=
<p><b>From:</b> Shop-talk <shop-talk-bounces@autox.team.net> <b>
On Behalf Of </b>Mark Miller<br>
<b>Sent:</b> Wednesday, April 14, 2021 12:19 AM<br>
<b>To:</b> shop-talk@autox.team.net<br>
<b>Subject:</b> Re: [Shop-talk] Square D QO breaker Box</p>
<p> </p>
<p>It is designed to be fed by 240V (2 phase 120) power. If you are fe=
eding it with a single leg of 120V just tie the two main lugs together and r=
un that from your power source. The lugs should be large enough to hav=
e your incoming power go into one and then
have a second wire in that lug feed the other lug.</p>
<pre> </pre>
<pre>Mark Miller 707-490-5834</pre>
<pre><a href=3D"mailto:markmiller@threeboysfarm.com";>markmiller@threeboysfar=
<p>On 4/13/2021 10:01 PM, <a href=3D"mailto:shop-talk-request@autox.team.net=
shop-talk-request@autox.team.net</a> wrote:</p>
<blockquote style=3D"margin-top:5pt;margin-bottom:5pt">
<pre>-----Original Message-----</pre>
<pre>From: David Scheidt <a href=3D"mailto:dmscheidt@gmail.com";><dmscheid=
t@gmail.com></a> </pre>
<pre>Sent: Tuesday, April 13, 2021 7:58 PM</pre>
<pre>To: Jack Brooks <a href=3D"mailto:JIBrooks@live.com";><JIBrooks@live.=
<pre>Cc: Shop Talk <a href=3D"mailto:shop-talk@autox.team.net";><shop-talk=
<pre>Subject: Re: [Shop-talk] Square D QO breaker Box</pre>
<pre> </pre>
<pre>On Tue, Apr 13, 2021 at 6:39 PM Jack Brooks <a href=3D"mailto:JIBrooks@=
live.com"><JIBrooks@live.com></a> wrote:</pre>
<blockquote style=3D"margin-top:5pt;margin-bottom:5pt">
<pre><span style=3D"color:#007cff">I am building a Sprinter van into an RV a=
nd have a question about the 120v breaker box (SquareD QO24L70RBCP). I=
t is a 2-Space, 4-Circuit load center. My concern is that while the Ne=
utral bar has four positions on a common bar, the two breaker connections ar=
e independent, without a common bar between the two. This surprised th=
e heck out of me. My inverter (Victron 24/70/3000) has a single AC out=
put with a ?cage clamp? terminal, not a screw down or stud terminal which wo=
uld be easy. I can run a 6 or 8 AWG from the inverter to the Breaker box, bu=
t it needs to go to the two separate screw down terminals. Physically,=
I believe I can run an 8 AWG wire into one breaker, and then back out to th=
e other breaker, but I?m concerned about whether this is a code violation.</=
span>Donate: http://www.team.net/donate.html</span><br><span>Suggested annua=
l donation $12.96</span><br><span>Archive: http://www.team.net/piperma=
il/shop-talk http://autox.team.net/archive</span><br><span></span><br><span>=
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Archive: http://www.team.net/pipermail/shop-talk http://autox.team.net/archive