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Re: [Shop-talk] Is this true?---Fw: eBay Motors Fee Class

To: "'Shop Talk'" <>
Subject: Re: [Shop-talk] Is this true?---Fw: eBay Motors Fee Class
From: "Mullen" <>
Date: Wed, 18 Jan 2012 14:18:24 -0500
Michael Porter wrote:
> getting overdue notices, demanding payment of $0.00.  

I used to work for a guy (back in the mid-70's that had a similar story.

Only they sent the bill on a punched computer card (remember those?).  He
got tired of calling and getting nowhere, so he took the bill to the
keypunch room and did a multi-punch in the first tow columns (a 7, an 8, and
a 9 if I remember correctly).  This was effectively and "end of file" on any
computer stream.  On the card he wrote "Call" and his phone number.  A few
days later, he got an angry call complaining that he aborted their entire
processing job and would have to start over.   He explained to them that he
would continue doing this until they fixed their system.  He never got
another call and no more bills.

Don't know if the story was true, but it sounded plausible at the time (and
knowing him).

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