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RE: auto battery chargers

To: "shop-talk" <>
Subject: RE: auto battery chargers
From: "Randall" <>
Date: Sat, 22 Jul 2006 17:40:01 -0700
> My schumacher 2/15/110 amp super duper automatic battery charger seems to have
> died ???  No matter which battery I hook it up to it seems to be in wide open
> mode and in a few minutes... it and the battery are too hot to touch.
> I imagine it's something in the circuitry.... and of course it's out of
> warranty...
> looking for something comparable... Schumacher ? Vector ? any suggestions ????
> or ideas about fixin this one ???

Open it up and have a look inside, John.  If it's like my Schumacher 2/10/50
unit, you'll be amazed at how simple it is.  There's a very good chance that all
that's wrong is one of the diodes has shorted; at least that was all that was
wrong with mine when it was given to me.  I fixed mine with some old alternator
diodes and it's worked fine ever since.


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