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Re: piston repair?

To: <>
Subject: Re: piston repair?
Date: Sat, 15 Jul 2006 11:24:56 -0400
At 06:26 AM 7/15/2006, Jim Franklin wrote:
>Upon cranking the engine there was a loud bang as the piston tried 
>to send the nipple into the head. The damage is apparently mostly 
>superficial, with the exception of a compressed ring groove at the 
>point of impact. A few folks have said I can file the top half of 
>the ring groove to open it up to the proper clearance. There doesn't 
>appear to be any cracking or other signs of fatigue. Can I go ahead 
>and file it? It's an old-tech air

No Way, No How would I try to reuse a damaged & repaired piston.  A 
new one can't be all the expensive, esp compared to the labor to get 
to it, and the potential for greater damage if it does fail.  What 
kina engine is this? ????  Been "creating a nuisance" have ya?  :)


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