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Re: Craftsman Wrenches/ GearWrench

To: Scott Hall <>
Subject: Re: Craftsman Wrenches/ GearWrench
From: "Michael D. Porter" <>
Date: Wed, 23 Jun 1999 01:30:18 -0600

Scott Hall wrote:
> fellas,
> I wrote about looking for this exact dream wrench a few weeks ago.  I didn't 
>get any responses, but I know matco makes this wrench (although they are 
>expensive enough, at least locally, for me buy a cheap set and replace every
> nut and bolt the cheap ones mangle).  kobalt also makes this wrench, but I 
>went back to investigate them (without fussy 10 month old boy and fussy 30 
>year old woman).  on closer inspection, the chrome was wavy (as in poor 
>quality), some of the wrenches' stamping was illegible or on the edge of the 
>wrench (again, poor q/c or manufacturing standards) and I took some s/s bolts 
>from the shop here to check the fit.

Such a wrench is available from many different manufacturers. Anyone who
has had to pull a VW engine knows how valuable they are for removing the
top passenger side engine mounting bolt, the one behind the oil
cooler.... They aren't made for torquing a nut, but they are handy and
quick for removing nuts with little space in which to work, and good for
drawing up the same very quickly.


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