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Re: Rented Garage Floor (non-paint) coverings?

To: Scott Hinckley <>
Subject: Re: Rented Garage Floor (non-paint) coverings?
From: Skip Montanaro <>
Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1999 16:45:05 -0400 (EDT)

    Scott> I am going to be renting a 20x20ft OLD garage. The floor is so
    Scott> contaminated by oil and dirt that I doubt I could ever get any
    Scott> paint/enamel/epoxy to stick. Is there some osrt of panels or such
    Scott> that I could put down to provide a decent floor?


If your landlord doesn't mind, most any hardware or DIY home store should
have some sort of concrete cleaner.  The main ingredient in the stuff I got
is sodium hydroxide (NaOH).  Potent stuff.  Lifts the oil/grease/gunk right
off with a little scrubbing (I used a wire brush).  You need a water source
(hose, etc) to flush it off.

Skip Montanaro  |  |

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