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Re: Garage Equipment Supply Company/ Four post lifts

Subject: Re: Garage Equipment Supply Company/ Four post lifts
From: (Peter Schauss x 2014)
Date: Thu, 23 Jul 1998 08:21:13 -0400
> From Thu Jul 23 03:51 EDT 1998
> Mike Rambour wrote:
> > are more expensive than Garage Supply though.
>   For the Hemmings-stocking-bookstore-impaired, what
> is the price they advertise?
> -- 
> Trevor Boicey, Ottawa, Canada.

About $2400 including freight.  As I noted, I was not particularly impressed
by their pre-sales (lack of) support.  This sounds like another Harbor
Freight type place.

FWIW, Cytech responded to my request for information by faxing me a
detailed specification for their lift, including a description of why it is
more expensive (heavier guage steel, mechanical components inside the posts 
What particularly impressed me was the report from the outfit which did
the ASME(?) safety certification.

I am waiting for packets from Backyard Buddy and Stinger, both in the same
price range as Cytech, about $600 more than Garage Equipment Supply.

Personally, when I am standing underneath my car, I don't mind paying 
$600 more, if I think that it will make the operation a bit safer.

I will keep you all posted.

Peter Schauss, Long Island, NY
1963 BJ7
1980 MGB

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