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[Oletrucks] Power steering rack

To: oletrucks@autox.team.net
Subject: [Oletrucks] Power steering rack
From: boedigheimer <Boedigheimer@stpaultel.com>
Date: Tue, 15 May 2012 22:32:58 -0700
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I am at the end of my rope on this one. In building my 1949 GMC I took a 79 Chev 3/4 ton front end and narrowed several inches out of the middle. It mounted well and looks like cast , camber , toe, and bump steer will be acceptable. Of course I cant use the original drag link and tie rods since it is narrow so I got a rebuilt steering rack from a 1998 Dodge Dakota thinking the same width, should be easy to mount. I got it fit up and working and all was well until I hit the steering stop. The left seal blew on the rack and leaks oil. Tryed another rack same issue. Turned the steering pump relief valve down to about 700 psi and thought I had it this time but no, when it hits the stop on a right turn, the seal began blowing oil out the left side of the rack. there is no binding or such and the system can be turned by hand with the engine off. I don't understand why it would blow the seal consistently. I am hoping for some ideas from you all or suggestions of issues I may have overlooked, or options instead of the Dakota rack...
Thank you
Jack Boedigheimer
Saint Paul, Oregon
long time lurker....

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