i am begining to embark on a new project. i want your opinion.
what i want to know is realisticly and honestly what you would be
willing to pay for seats for a 47-59 suburban.
either as a set or each
drivers 80---
pass 20---
middle(same cushions as driver 80)---
i know how hard it is to come up with these seats and am surprised no
one has attempted to reproduce them. should they be reproduced? i want
to make them affordable to us hobbyists-not 700$/each...
im thinking along the lines of 150-250 per unit. means us po' folks
could afford a set for 600-1,000 including upholstered cushions.
what do you think? please fill me email with replies as i am in
negotiations with manufacturers and want to know how cheap they have to
be made for me to make a few bucks on the transaction with out ripping
off us ole-truckers.
thanks for the feedback.
FYI-heres and auction that tells me this pricing is SUPER reasonable.
also-i would like to not have competition till this idea comes to
fruition. i know, i know.. USA and capitalism and all but im trying to
do 'us' a service as well as put some food on the table.
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