Hi Group,
I have a set of front fenders for a 58-59 that are in fair shape, that I am
planning on selling. Before putting them up for auction, I thought I would
offer them to anyone here. One is off of a Chevy and the other is from a
GMC. Both of them have had rear patches welded in. One of them needs
a patch in the area where the hood side goes. The rear brace on both of
them are rusted out, but I have new ones that will go with the fenders. If
anyone is interested, please e-mail me off line. I am located in Michigan
south of Flint. Pictures will be on my website later this evening.
Jim V.
1958 GMC Suburban Carrier Pickup (Cameo style) - V8 Hydramatic
oletrucks is devoted to Chevy and GM trucks built between 1941 and 1959