I'm with you Alan. I figger that if you're bringing them additional business
in the form of
spectators, not to mention what the car guys themselves might spend, the least
they should do is
offer to give you a free drink if you buy a burger. Just that token freebie
would be enough for me
to think that at least the owner appreciates what the rodders are doing to
fatten his wallet.
Don't worry about the "getting old" stuff...that'll come later when you wonder
why they don't hand
out free Ex-lax with the burgers! :-)
Wally Templeton, MA
53 3100 rod project
72 Chevy Malibu
> My question is this: if I
> drive 70 miles to park in some restaurants parking lot to bring in
> customers for them, is wrong to
> expect at least something for my trouble? Or am I just getting cranky in
> my old(er) age? Any
> thoughts on the matter?
> --
> Alan & Karen Gingles
oletrucks is devoted to Chevy and GM trucks built between 1941 and 1959