Wow! 19 inches of vacuum? My 2 sp works just fine with 14 or so, but that
is all I can expect with living at 8,000 feet elevation.
50 � ton
51 two ton dump
54 for parts
Adam Brandon Whitson wrote:
> I am getting my 2 speed axle and hydrovac system up to speed. I was
> wondering how my vac reading of 19 at idle compared to others.
> 52, GMC 350, 248 cid.
> =====
> ============================
> Adam B. Whitson, D.V.M.
> 1212 1/2 Old Main
> Newton, KS 67114
> U.S.A.
> ICQ# 14143374
> ============================
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> oletrucks is devoted to Chevy and GM trucks built between 1941 and 1959
oletrucks is devoted to Chevy and GM trucks built between 1941 and 1959