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Re: [oletrucks] Smokin 235

To: Grant Galbraith <trks@javanet.com>
Subject: Re: [oletrucks] Smokin 235
From: ADvent@thuntek.net
Date: Mon, 06 Mar 2000 08:02:41 -0700
Grant, syn oils are so slippery that it can work past areas that otherwise
would not occur with regular oils. Syn oils will leak out sooner than
regular oils too. Try a using all regular oil before you tear into it. It
might be just the oil.  My truck sat for 5 years before I bought it. It
smokes like yours, too and out the tailpipe. The smoking seems to taper off
with use. I will give it a 1,000 miles or so before I tear into it. BTW, my
truck's 235 is a fresh rebuild, as well.
new mexico jim
50 � ton
51 two ton

Grant Galbraith wrote:

> I have about 13 K on my 235 that was rebuilt with all new parts, bored
> with new pistons, cast rings and bearings as well as cam, cam gears,
> etc... I've noticed since I took it out of storage after a highway run
> it will smoke from the breather tube and vents in the valve cover so
> much so that smoke is billowing out from under the truck. I've always
> used 5-30 Mobil 1 synthetic and changed it again, the 5th oil change
> after noticing the smoke, still smoking. I know bad rings can cause
> blow-by but wouldn't expect it on such a recent rebuild. Any Ideas?
> Thanks, Grant
> 50 Chevy 3100
> 52 GMC 150
> oletrucks is devoted to Chevy and GM trucks built between 1941 and 1959

oletrucks is devoted to Chevy and GM trucks built between 1941 and 1959

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