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Re: [oletrucks] Modifications for '53

To: "David Heath Trahan" <heath@acadian.net>
Subject: Re: [oletrucks] Modifications for '53
From: jelerath@us.ibm.com
Date: Thu, 16 Sep 1999 10:29:57 -0600
Robert (David Heath Trahan?),
Being a complete novice in itself shouldn't prevent you from doing your own
wiring.  I too have a '53 1/2 ton with a V8, two wire alternator, HEI, 12V
(obviously) system, power seat.  I couldn't find an off the shelf wiring harness
that did what I wanted, so I created my own. I used Ron Francis' book plus
wiring diagrams from '70's Camaros (Chilton's mostly).  I used recommended wire
gages (or larger) and documented this in an Excel spreadsheet (yes, you can do
drawings in Excel).  If interested I can send you a copy.

If you have trouble reading wiring diagrams, and I know a lot of people do,
finding the right pre-made harness will be a lot easier.

Jon Elerath

"David Heath Trahan" <heath@acadian.net> on 09/15/99 05:15:24 PM

Please respond to "David Heath Trahan" <heath@acadian.net>

To:   "old trucks" <oletrucks@autox.team.net>
Subject:  [oletrucks] Modifications for '53

I've tried to send this several times and I always seem to run into a snag.
New to the list since last month, so I may be asking something that most of
you have seen before, please bear with me.

I have a '53 five window Chevy 1/2 ton that has several modifications, SB
V-8, Auto, IFS (Pacer), and the worst wiring job in history (almost).  All
done by PO.  Vehicle has been parked for about five years, so I have lots to
do before it goes around the block.

Wiring?  Painless, Ron Francis, ???, someone else?  I am total novice.

Looking for inexpensive and moderately easy swap over from old vacuum to
modern day windshield wiper assembly for my '53 five window.

I saw previous post that said some kits were not all they were cracked up to
be.  If I need to buy a new setup, I would appreciate knowing which ones to
stay away from.

Contact me off list if you would rather not name the product or vendor

I also saw someone wrote about going to the "archives";  Is this something
I'm missing or is it something that person did on their own.

Thanks in advance for all the upcoming information and all I've already
seen. I plan on doing everything myself so I plan on reading everything
everyone on this list has to say about all models.

'til next time
Robert T.
53 - 3100

oletrucks is devoted to Chevy and GM trucks built between 1941 and 1959

oletrucks is devoted to Chevy and GM trucks built between 1941 and 1959

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