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RE: [oletrucks] 66 Chevy - Gas Tanks Sealant

To: oletrucks@autox.team.net
Subject: RE: [oletrucks] 66 Chevy - Gas Tanks Sealant
From: Bob Fischer <bfischer@utm.net>
Date: Tue, 18 May 1999 10:17:25 -0700
>> I'm hoping someone can help, I just had my gas tanks boiled out and now
>> would be the best time to coat the inside of the tanks with
>> something that

>There are a variety of gas tank sealers available, from POR 15, Bill Hirsch
>and others. The vendors such as Chevy Duty should carry it. The place that
>boiled out the gas tank of my '58 sold me a quart can of the stuff. Four
>years later, still no problems. I know some people are concerned about the
>possibility of the stuff peeling off and clogging your fuel system, but it's
>worked for me.
Years ago I did the tank on one of our Model A's with Fuller O'Brien fuel tank
slushing compound, which is for aircraft tanks. I believe the others just
and jack the price up appropriately for whatever the restoration folks
traffic will allow.
I did that in 1978 or 9 and drove the car to two NSRA nat's in Mn in 82 and 85
using gasohol in Iowa with no problems. I still have the car and it has never

"Nothin lasts forever except old Fords and a natural stone" - Willie Nelson

http://home.utm.net/bfischer          e-mail - bfischer@utm.net


www.geocities.com/MotorCity/2251           rfischer@worldnet.att.net

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