An alternative is to find any HEI for a Chevy 6 (250, 270, etc.). You'll
typically find them in trucks, vans and cars after the mid-70s. I prefer the
coil-in-the-cap type for tidiness, but an external coil works just as well.
Send the housing to Buffalo Enterprises (360-652-7684) and he'll machine the
shaft back and flip the gear so it will work in your older inline (I think the
cost is $70). If you have machining capabilities, talk to Buffalo and he may
share his secrets.......
>>> "Mac Kinghorn" <> 04/21 9:09 PM >>>
Has anyone out there had any experience with converting a current inline 6
HEI distributor for use in the 216/235 series 6 cylinder engines. I see
that Stovebolt offers a HEI - 6 distributor for about $125.00 US but would
like to try and convert one myself and am looking for any thoughts or tips
that may assist me if anyone else has had the experience.
Thanks for the help eh!
52 Chev 1300
oletrucks is devoted to Chevy and GM trucks built between 1941 and 1959
oletrucks is devoted to Chevy and GM trucks built between 1941 and 1959