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[oletrucks] RE: Power Brakes (formerly 235 Alternator conversion)

To: oletrucks@autox.team.net
Subject: [oletrucks] RE: Power Brakes (formerly 235 Alternator conversion)
From: "dave riffel" <cafe_dave@hotmail.com>
Date: Wed, 03 Feb 1999 11:39:56 PST

I have the magazine too, don't remember which one.  The firewall bracing 
bracket comes with the kit.  The kit doesn't come with the brake light 
switch or pedal.  It does come with the booster, master, firewall to 
dash brace/pedal hangar bracket, pedal hangar and firewall spacer for 
trucks with a ridged firewall (like mine).  It also comes with the 
various necessary mounting hardware and good instructions.  It is an 
easy one to install.


>>A while back there was an article on either Classic Truck or Custom 
>>trucks magazine ( I subscribe to both) about the complete installation 
>of these
>>firewall mounted brake setup, I will have to look for the article, but 
>if I
>>remeber well, it seems like a no brainer, but it does require some 
>>inside the firewall behind the dash.
>>'53 3100
>>jspoon@us.ibm.com wrote:
>>> I saw this firewall mounted brake kit and it sounded interesting 
>>> easier to check/fill brake fluid).  Has anyone tried one of these 
>>> Internal: Jay Witherspoon/Austin/IBM@IBMUS     T/L 678-8822
>>> External: jspoon@us.ibm.com     (512) 838-8822
>>> Terry Stellman <stellman@noex.com> on 02/02/99 06:49:54 AM
>>> Please respond to Terry Stellman <stellman@noex.com>
>>> To:   "oletrucks" <oletrucks@telelists.com>
>>> cc:    (bcc: Jay Witherspoon/Austin/IBM)
>>> Subject:  [oletrucks] RE: Power Brakes (formerly 235 Alternator 
>>> Mike,
>>> A company called Industrial Chassis in Phoenix, Arizona advertises a
>>> firewall mounted brake kit for 47-59 Chevy trucks.  Cost is $349.00.  
>>> phone number is 602 278-6800.  I just used the pedal assembly from a 
>>> 70's early 80's full-size Chevy van that I got from the junk yard 
>>> cost me less than $20.00.  I had to cut it off with a hack saw and 
>weld an
>>> extra bracket on so I could attach it to the dash where the steering 
>>> attaches but it wasn't a difficult installation.  Good luck.
>>> Terry Stellman
>>> 1949 3600
>>> Missouri City, Texas
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From:     Michael Snow [SMTP:mwsnow@home.com]
>>> Sent:     Wednesday, January 27, 1999 9:30 PM
>>> To:  oletrucks
>>> Subject:  [oletrucks] 235 Alternator conversion
>>> Faithful Members,
>>>     I am also interested in hearing from anyone who has installed 
>>> style (top pivot) pedals into an AD truck.  Is there an 
>>> brake booster and dual master cylinder that will install easily into 
>>> '53?
>>> Mike Snow
>>> 1953 3100
>>>  << File: ATT00001.html >>
>>> --
>>> Oletrucks is devoted to Chevy & GM trucks built between 1941 & 1959
>>> --
>>> Oletrucks is devoted to Chevy & GM trucks built between 1941 & 1959
>>Oletrucks is devoted to Chevy & GM trucks built between 1941 & 1959
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