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[Nobbc] TR4 help needed

Subject: [Nobbc] TR4 help needed
From: don <>
Date: Sat, 30 May 2009 16:45:33 -0700

I've been looking for a TR4 for way too long.  Well, I've located one that 
appeals to me but it's back in VA.  Price, given its condition, seems quite 
fair.  On the positive side, my daughter lives two hours from the car, so I 
could combine a trip back there.
The car is gorgeous, light blue, wire wheels, surrey top, overdirve, 
restored 8 years ago.  Won high marks at several shows.

However, it was brought back from the dead so to speak, and new sills, 
floors and other peices had to be welded in.  This work was done 
professionally, while the owner did all the assembly and other stuff.  The 
owner sent me a binder of photos of the restoration.  Not being that smart 
on body work and TR4s, I find the photos interesting but I can't really 
analyze them very well.

Is there someone that is smarter on this stuff than me in the Santa Rosa 
area that could look at the photos and maybe give me an idea if the work 
looks kosher?

Don Scott
Nobbc mailing list

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