I hope I'll see you, and your car there.
"DeLuca, Joseph" wrote:
> Thanks for the reminder Ed,
> Lewes is a very old town dating back to 1631! For the past
> four years they have held the "Lewes British Motorcar Show"
> with a featured marque each year. Lotus was honored last year
> with about 20 Loti participating in a field of 90 British cars.
> They are featuring Morgans for the May 20th event and would
> like for us to beat the drum in this area (and across the
> country).
> The materials I've seen make the event look very attractive,
> especially for nearby Morgan owners in MOPS, DC and New Jersey.
> It is held in a park setting with a large pond and walking trails,
> and has a low registration fee ($10 pre-registered, $15 day of
> event). The town is located on the coast with beaches on both
> Delaware Bay and the Atlantic Ocean. The photos seem reminiscent
> of Ocean Grove, NJ. Very quaint.
> I'd highly recommend the event.
> Joe DeLuca
> Ledgewood, NJ
> '62 yellow 4/4 competition model
> Morgan 3/4 Group, USA
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Ed Herman []
> > Sent: Monday, March 27, 2000 8:11 AM
> > To: Morgan List
> > Subject: Car Show
> >
> >
> > Friends,
> > That British Motorcar Show in Lewes Delaware, May 20th 2000, will
> > feature Morgan. It is sponsored by the Lewes Chamber of Commerce.
> > Registration is $10 if you sign up early, and $15 for the
> > ret of us. I
> > hope we can turn out in force for those poor people of Delaware.
> > Ed.
> >