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RE: A Morgan virgin !

To: "'Harald Sakshaug'" <>
Subject: RE: A Morgan virgin !
From: Steve Harman - SHA <>
Date: Fri, 27 Aug 1999 11:49:04 +0100
Having never driven any its difficult to know where to start. The +8 sound
great and if money grew on trees would be first choice. Correct me if I'm
wrong but I'd guess it would put my Fronteras petrol consumption to shame
and present some large bills when serviced?

For looks only (and no kids)- it'll be a 2 seater.

Is there much difference between a +4 and 4/4 in terms of reliability,
running costs and performance?

One of the most important factors is protection from depreciation. Partly
because of this and budget, it will almost certainly be a used car but not
more than 10 years old. Maybe �15K to �20K tops.

As ever, the suggestion of renting one first sounds a good idea.

-----Original Message-----
From: Harald Sakshaug []
Sent: 27 August 1999 11:13
To: Steve Harman - SHA
Subject: SV: A Morgan virgin !
Importance: High

Here is my advise after owning Morgans for periode of years:

Which model, depends on you wallet and planned usage... :-)

Buy a new +8 2 str. if money is not a problem. (loads of fun and fast,
would probably scare the missis if used as it should.)

Buy a new +4 2 str. if money allows. (loads of fun and faster than all
sedans, will probably not scare the missis, but will make her feel
embarassed because it looks very expensive)

Buy a used +8 if you can find one for sale.

Buy a used +4 2 str. if there is problems cashing a new +4 or you find
the waiting list to long. (A used one is as much fun and fast as a used
one. But be aware that Morgans deterioate very quickly, and it will
probably look and feel used...)

Buy a +4 4 seater if you have kids. The 4 seater look like a neat car
with a ugly tent on top of it when the hood is up, but it is a very good
looking car when the hood is down.

Buy a new 4/4 2 str. It is pretty fast, as a 60/70 +4. Very affordable
and very good looking. Looks probably better than any pre 70 +4 due to
it's very neat lowline body.

Buy a new 4 str. 4/4 if you have kids. The same stupid looks as on the
+4 4 seater applies when the hood is up.

Avoid a pre 80 4/4, they are too slow.

If you however decide to buy any Morgan, attend a course to learn how
cars work. Pay the factory a few trips to learn how the Morgan is
assembled. Be aware of the possibility of having to reattach parts that
have loosened. Be prepared to do minor repairs every now and then, and
be prepared to cash out for bigger repairs a few times in the car's
If you are not able to cash out, do as almost every Morgan owner, be a
repairman on a DIY basis. This will keep you and your Morgan happy for
Also be prepared that ways of thinking will be altered after using these
cars for a while, you will probably ever miss your morgan if you decide
to part with it after a while without buying another one.

I guess every Morgan owner have their favourite model, but this is my
list. :-)

Every Morgan looks extremely good, and is great fun to drive. Even the
#105 from 36 was pretty fast, and must have been a hell of a car in it't

Best Regards,

              (' O-O ')        EMAIL:  Harald.Sakshaug@DataPower.NO
          -ooO-(_)-Ooo-------  Harald Sakshaug  -- 74160652  -----

-----Opprinnelig melding-----
Fra: Steve Harman - SHA []
Sendt: 27. august 1999 10:34
Til: 'Jeremy Edwards'
Kopi: ''
Emne: RE: A Morgan virgin !

All this help and advice has me gripped by enthusiasm. Thanks to
who has replied so far - this is a splendid forum.

So my plan. First, try a scooter and provided I'm not scared witless on
streets of SW London, buy one and sell the Frontera :-( Most the cash
the sale stuffed under the mattress and a bit of hard saving. In the
meantime I believe a garage is a must; I live in flat and a car port is
possible. As for parking in the road - I had a wing mirror snapped off
Land Rover a while back over night and it was made of cast steel!

Next, find a good excuse (at least one Jackie will believe) and rent one
a few days. Eventually I'll buy a Morgan - this has become something of
lifetime ambition now :-)

I'll keep you all posted of my progress and pester you senseless with
questions as I get nearer my goal.

Lastly, two questions: i. Are there any events which I could visit and
and see the people and their cars? ii. Which model (a bit(!) opened
ended I
know but I'm very green to the differences).

-----Original Message-----
From: Jeremy Edwards []
Sent: 26 August 1999 22:31
To: Steve Harman - SHA
Cc: 'Simon Orebi Gann'; ''
Subject: Re: A Morgan virgin !

Steve Harman - SHA <> writes
>Thank you for the welcome.

>Simon - it's interesting that you regard the car as suitable for
>transport; every one I've seen has had fantastically low mileage
>its age and I thought they might be Sunday only cars. 

A lot of people treat a Morgan like an ornament and you will have to
make some sacrifices to personal convenience to live with one as an only
car- you cannot leave any valuables in it as it doesn't lock, large
quantities of shopping might not fit, the ride is hard, it's noisy
compared to a normal car and you/partner will break the odd fingernail.
You cannot drive it with your mind on automatic like a tin box either!
Some people can never adjust to the physical and mental effort to drive
one well.

>Jeremy - thanks for the advice. I've already decided to find myself a
>before purchasing a car and wouldn't expect to do more than 10K miles a

I know of several people who leave it outside all year and swear that it
helps drying out, but I'd have thought a car port would be a better

>Your quoted running costs must be less than half of my current
>outgoings (Vauxhall Frontera (?)).

Big, heavy, expensive, modern, depreciates= easily believable 

> My strange idea is to sell my car and
>purchase a scooter for the journeys to work; start saving and
>a late spec used Morgan. I'd imagine leaving most of the servicing to

Hardly that strange, in London this sounds like a good compromise. I'd
still suggest learning to do your own servicing as it is not difficult
and can be quite satisfying. Personally I'd look at an older, rebuilt
car as it will be much cheaper, mechanically simple without significant
electrics to go wrong or a catalyst. A more modern one will ride better,
but it will still be much worse than a tin box.

>Lastly, a great idea to rent - but where from?

Other posters have sent some suggestions, if you get no joy, re-contact
me and I'll send you a list. I do think that you need to live with one
for a few days, especially if it's to be an only car. 
Jeremy Edwards
1972 Morgan 4/4 2 str
Melton Mowbray, England

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