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Re: North American Morgans - Fred Kuzyk

To: "M.E. & E.A. Driver" <>
Subject: Re: North American Morgans - Fred Kuzyk
From: "F Kuzyk" <>
Date: Sun, 8 Aug 1999 13:42:38 -0400

----- Original Message -----
From: M.E. & E.A. Driver <>
To: F Kuzyk <>
Cc: Morgans <>
Sent: Sunday, August 08, 1999 10:51 AM
Subject: North American Morgans - Fred Kuzyk

> Fred
> Colin Cobb's suggestion has merit it does not need negative feedback which
> inferred in your post to him.

No, it's only permissible to express intangible support for an idea. It's
not permitted to consider the pitfalls, obstacles, and any problems that
need to be overcome.

Although not analogous, the following two groups
> as examples, the Austin Healey Club of America and the MG Register, serve
> Northern Americas to the north and south of the USA.  The former having
> clubs as its foundation.

If YOU build it, they MAY come. If YOU debate it, it'll never get done.
"SOMEONE ELSE will have to do it, I'm busy"!
Which MG Register? The MGT Register? NAMGBR? NAMGAR? Why isn't there ONE MG
Super NA Club? Could it be for the attitudes expressed by some MG folk, that
a MGA is better than a B? That a T is better than an A? Why doesn't the MGT
Club in Ontario work closely with the Toronto MG Club?
As for the Austin-Healey Club of North America, I'll provide a real
experience. There was an Ontario chapter that grew tired of the huge dues
(in the order of $85 per annum). Many of the rank & file grew tired of
paying for a glossy magazine that had little of interest to them or their
group & region. They pulled out, became a British Car Club & more or less
has lived "happily ever after". People will say they will support an
endeavour but few will deliver. A survey of Moggers suggested that 17 cars
would do a run to Manitoulin Island - ONE car actually did the run - guess
whose? The point is I guaratee that folk here will not shell out that kind
of dough, especially when there are free alternatives, such as this email
list, for interaction, expression & cameraderie.

At the beginning of an endeavour a positive and
> constructive approach could make things happen don't you agree.
> Ed

I agree in the larger community, that's why I've done something about it.
Despite my cynicism, I think cyberspace & virtual clubs may accomplish what
you suggest. An example is the newsgroup Alternative Smokers Cigars. This is
only a few years old, yet it has spawned a world-wide culture of it's own.
It's free. There's no constitution or Exec, or newsletter. Yet people of
their own volition hold events, create web pages with photos, etc. They
don't have to get past the gatekeepers of Web Masters & Editors. They'll
travel miles for an impromtu get together. Post huge volumes of messages.
And have this identity that they are ASC, which encompasses the world, not
having their true allegiances to some smaller group.

In that light, & for something not only Continental but world-wide, I've
created an International Morgan cyber-space community. Not a club site, or a
vendor site, or a political site. Guests can peruse, members can contribute
anything. It's free. No rules other than common sense. We'll see if any
embrace it!
If you have a sound card, speakers & mike, wanna join a live voice chat next
week? August 13th at 10PM Toronto-New York Time (others can figure out their
local time zone).

Fred Kuzyk

Morgan Sports Cars International
Where the membership is free and anyone in the world can post photos, links,
event dates, articles, discussion, files,
& meet for real-time chat on Morgans!

My Morgan Sports Car Club of Canada site:

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