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FW: An Alternative to Electric Fan?

To: "Morgan Mail List" <>
Subject: FW: An Alternative to Electric Fan?
From: "Gary" <>
Date: Sun, 8 Aug 1999 14:54:15 +0800
This reminds me of a friend of mine years ago.  His father in the UK bought
a new drophead in the late 1960s with one of the very last Triumph engines.
The car never ran right and always overheated with no amount that the
factory or anyone else could do to fix it.  After an unhappy 18 months he
sold the car to someone who was even more thorough in hunting down the
problem - he eventually found it was a waterway in the engine which had not
been completely bored through (apparently the drills came in from both sides
and were meant to meet in the middle to make a hole - except they didn't
this time!).

Expect the unexpected!

Gary Arcus
Western Australia

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