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Morgan Front End

To: morgans@Autox.Team.Net,
Subject: Morgan Front End
From: Grywiz <>
Date: Thu, 4 Dec 1997 21:17:52 EST
Irene is topless!!!
I finally got her front ladder off today, without removing the wings or
After removing all fasteners passing through the triangular mounting brackets
for the ladder, I jacked the engine slightly with a transmission jack and
removed the engine mounts.  I then gradually rotated the ladder forward at the
top.  This required some judicious blows of a heavy needs to
rotate forward and also move will make sense as you do it.  I also
loosened the transverse strut holding the wings together so they would sag
outboard a bit.  Seems that removing the steering box would have made it
easier, but I did it without doing that.
Obviously, the acid test will be whether I can get the new ladder in place in
reverse order...stay tuned...
Incidentally, Irene is the car listed in the "FORMAT" as 1958 usual,
the advert and the car shared only passing similarities.  Was able to get her
for $9900, instead of $11900, including almost everything to rebuild the front
end, so I'm happy.  As Katie said when I came in today with grime all over my
face "Been kissing Irene again, dear?"
Best to all

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