Trying to set the distributor timing on my '67 +4, I can now see why it
wasn't timed too well before. The timing hole on the crankshaft pulley is
way off the pointer when as far as I can tell #1 is somewhere near TDC.
Could this pulley have been rotated on its mounting boss and therefore
screw up the position of the timing mark?
Can someone please tell me how to accurately find #1 TDC so I can file a
new mark on the pulley? The best thought I have so far is to literally feel
#1 coming up by pushing a rubber tube into the spark plug hole and getting
a friend to turn the crank with a wrench on the nut at the end of the
pulley. I can't see (through the inspection hole in the bell housing) any
timing marks on the flywheel.
Murphy's law of estimates applies to the time it's taken me to set the
ignition. you take the original time estimate to do the job, double it,
then raise it to the next larger unit of measure. Hence, the 1 hr. project
will probably take two days!
Thanks to Fred Sisson, I've gotten the points set pretty well with 50
degrees of dwell angle. However, right now I've got the distributor so far
off adjustment that I don't dare try to start the car to even guesstimate
the timing.
Thanks for all for any assistance you might provide.
Jerry Murphy
'67 +4 6676