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Re: New Morgan options

Subject: Re: New Morgan options
From: Martin Kurrein <>
Date: Wed, 22 Jan 1997 19:37:04 +0000
In message <>, writes
>Hey Colin,
>Well, you already have the essential item which is a proper name for a Morgan
>I suggest that you immediately begin growing a properly dashing moustache
>suitable for a Morgan driver.
>I presume that you will be motoring in Blighty? If so, the luggage rack is
>not nearly as necessary as it is Stateside since in England it is fairly
>difficult to get more than a day away from home! At least in a Morgan at
>Motorway speeds...

Don't you believe it. 

Also remember that we have the whole of Europe in direct connection -
which is bigger that the US - and a common haunt for UK Morganeers.
>I suggest that you opt for several of the MORGAN T-shirts available at the
>factory. Get twice as many as you think you want as your relatives will
>quickly relieve you of several.
>You will probably find a leather helmet with goggles essential for wear when
>you are motoring top down out of town and have no fear of being recognized.
>(I am not sure, but I think that there may be a song in there somewhere.)
>If you are motoring in Blighty you will doubtless run hood up... therefor:
>door handles will come in handy.

Not many of us run hood up - save when the other half insists and it's

Martin Kurrein                -      The older I get the faster I was.                            -      The Morgan Motor Company Challenge

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