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BOUNCE morgans: Non-member submission from ["Joseph K. Speetjens" <karel

To: morgans
Subject: BOUNCE morgans: Non-member submission from ["Joseph K. Speetjens" <>]
From: Mark J Bradakis <mjb>
Date: Mon, 20 Jan 1997 14:41:54 -0700 (MST)
     Date: Fri, 17 Jan 1997 14:05:55 -0600
     From: "Joseph K. Speetjens" <>
     Subject: 4/4 vs +4

Just a short note on the 4/4 vs the +4.   Some of you may have seen my
add for my '84 4/4 or my TR 3a this past year.  As far as I'm
concerened, they are both great engines, and I wouldn't turn down either
if offered.

However, I did make several long distance trips in the 4/4 (each over
2,500 miles), and I don't know is I would try it with a TR engine.  I
sold the two cars to purchase a new +8, which is great!  But I do miss
the little Ford and the TR3 engines.

Good Motoring,

Joe Speetjens

p.s. if anyone knows how to get a melted tennis shoe off a fire wall,
please come to Misssissippi and show me.

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