Hello Mog-lovers,
At the age of 54, I suddenly realized that I have longed for driving a
Morgan ever since I sold my old MG TF in the 60�s. Therefore I am now
looking for a used morgan in the interval �10.000 to �20.000.
As I live in Sweden with a very small lokal market I am about to go to
England and during a week or so try to fullfill my dream.
Both 2-seaters and 4-seaters in all models are possible as long as there are
fine examples - either original cars with low mileage or newly renovated
cars in nice condition. Due to Swedish pollotion regulations I am first of
all interested in models pre 1977.
Anyone having good ideas how to structure a search...
Are there any "must" dealers to visit or other contacts to take...
Anyone having own good or bad experiences to share...
All suggestions most welcome.
/Lars Rydberg