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Re: [Mgs] difficulty getting TD into reverse

To: "W. David Houser" <>, "MGList List"
Subject: Re: [Mgs] difficulty getting TD into reverse
From: "Paul Hunt" <>
Date: Mon, 10 May 2010 16:40:52 +0100
Is it baulking or grinding?  Is first the same or OK?  If only reverse and 
it isn't grinding then it sounds more like gear selector problems that 
clutch.  If grinding in both (are the other gears synchro?) then it sounds 
like the clutch is dragging.  Is a TD clutch adjustable?

BL cars have always baulked in first and reverse as often as not, and I have 
never had a car that didn't baulk occasionally.  If either of the Bs baulk 
in first I simply put it part way into second and then it goes into first 
... almost always that is.  If it baulks in reverse then sometimes going up 
into 1st is all it needs, sometimes it needs to got 1st 2nd then reverse. 
Very very rarely do I have to lift off the clutch in neutral and try again.


----- Original Message ----- 
> A friend is experiencing difficulty shifting his 52 TD into reverse.
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