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Re: [Mgs] Tachometers

To: Glenn Schnittke <>
Subject: Re: [Mgs] Tachometers
From: "Henry D. Reynolds" <>
Date: Tue, 18 Sep 2007 20:53:24 -0500
I had an MSD 6a on my 73. I spend some time with MSD tech to try to
get my tach to work correctly. In the end, It was easier to  replace
my tach with a VDO model tach that would work when plugged into the
tach output of the MSD.

don't attempt to pull plug wires from a running engine with one of the
babies installed. The spark kicks like a mule! (don't ask)

Glenn Schnittke wrote:
> I've a couple of questions for the rocket surgeons.
> '67 B, converted to neg ground by DPO.
> The tach has always read about double what the actual revs are.
> Tried a new voltage regulator and it fixed the problem with the
> other gauges, but not the tach.
> 1. Realizing the DPO might not have done the conversion right, what
>  could be causing the tach to read double (or so) the actual revs.
> 2. I will be installing an MSD5 kit soon. I'd like to know what has
>  to be done to the tach. I put one in the Jag and the tach swings
> wild but drives a lot better.
> Glenn Brute Force and Ignorance! - Kelvin Dodd
> Glenn Schnittke


 Alle Menschen werden Br|der.

        Henry D. Reynolds - Halsoft Chat Ops
    mail: - phone: 512.448.3617 - cell: 512.699.8658
  PGP Key 407DCDE1 Fpr: 3F 5A FD F6 E5 40 55 9C  7F 0F 81 F5 0A E6 3B 7F


 Alle Menschen werden Br|der.

      Henry D. Reynolds - System Administrator
    mail: - phone: 512.448.3617 - cell: 512.699.8658
  PGP Key 407DCDE1 Fpr: 3F 5A FD F6 E5 40 55 9C  7F 0F 81 F5 0A E6 3B 7F

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