I doubt it's the worst blind spot you've ever seen - look at a lotus
Europa - the later, the worse. I think they tried to make tunnel vision
directly behind the driver with those sail pannels for some warped and
twisted reason. The early 70's corvettes, and XJS coupes aren't a lot
better (but they are better than a europa).
Phil Bates
'67 MGB
'58 MGA
'91 lotus elan - massive blind spot, but good mirrors
> I don't know what it is, but it has to have the biggest rear-quarter blind
> spot I have ever seen. The backlight is particularly grotesque -- I swear
> they just grabbed the windshield off some other car, because the
> placement,
> size and slope make no sense.
> --
> Max Heim
> '66 MGB GHN3L76149
> If you're near Mountain View, CA,
> it's the primer red one with chrome wires
> on 3/21/06 11:48 AM, Barney Gaylord at barneymg@MGAguru.com wrote:
>> Would anyone with any information about this body model, please step
>> forward. It is "suspected" of being on an MGA chassis, but not yet
>> verified. I will post more information when available. See pictures
>> here: http://mgaguru.com/mgtech/variants/vt106g.htm
>> Barney Gaylord
>> 1958 MGA with an attitude
>> http://MGAguru.com