Keas are a bloody nusiance in some parts of the South Island.
They will remove the windscreen trim on both ends of a BGT in a few minutes.
Wiper blades are nothing, some will get at the valve stem on tyres, filler
strips on the side panel/roof join line on Hondas are easy meat.
You name it, a Kea will get at it.
Problem is that on carparks at scenic spots in alpine areas, (and the South
Island is completly covered in scenery) visitors cannot resist feeding the
things, and they tend to congregate near tourist carparks. In between meals,
and if a car is unattended, these very intelligent and curious birds will
have a go at anything for entertainment.
It takes you 4 hours to put in the fender beading in a MGA. A pair of Keas
will have it out in 5 mins.
If I parked a vintage car in the Mt Cook area, I would be very very careful
not to leave it unattended.
ian F