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Re: LH Overdrive Valve balls

Subject: Re: LH Overdrive Valve balls
From: eric <>
Date: Sun, 03 Apr 2005 01:27:05 +0930
Jim Juhas wrote:
> What you are describing are "balls" or "bearing balls" or more generically
> "steel balls".  Besides my being pedantic, this will get you faster service at
> the bearing shop counter.
> Bearing balls are most commonly available in fractional inch sizes.  A good
> bicycle shop is also an excellent source because they use loose balls in most 
> the bearings on high end bikes.

A truly educational ball-bearing response!

With our racing season firing up at the end of this month (Winter comes
later every year, it seems), I am lloking for better lap times.  Better
lap times means taking greater risks.  Keeping your foot away from that
brake pedal a little longer - and keeping it planted flat down on the
accelerator a little longer - requires large steel... courage.

Funny your mail arrived just as I was thinking of this and planning my
lap-time goals for this year!

Forgive me... I lack sleep!

'68 MGB MkII
Adelaide, South Australia

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