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Re: I Need Starter Help!

To: "Douglas Gaither" <>,
Subject: Re: I Need Starter Help!
From: "Paul Hunt" <>
Date: Tue, 15 Mar 2005 09:30:34 -0000
If the ignition warning light (or any other light for that matter) dims
significantly when you get the click then the solenoid is powering the motor
but the motor cannot turn.  Usually this is caused by the starter pinion
locked to the flywheel, and rocking the car back and fore in 4th until you
get a clunk and then the engine turns relatively freely usually clears it.
If the engine turns freely *anyway*, then the motor is jammed for some other
reason.  If the lights only dim very slightly or not at all then the
solenoid isn't applying power to the motor.  This could be due to the
solenoid contacts, in which case bridging the studs should cause the motor
to crank the engine.  If the solenoid is working OK (in which case you will
have 12v on both solenoid studs when it is energised) then maybe the motor
has worn brushes or a dead segment.  In the latter case turning the motor a
little way with a spanner on the square end of the shaft should allow it to
crank, until it lands on the dead segment again.  I've also had a dry joint
at a poorly soldered lug on the cable between the solenoid and the motor
cause this, in which case 12v will be leaving the solenoid stud but not
arriving at the motor stud.  If there *is* a little rubber boot on the
solenoid then it usually means there is a manual push-button underneath it,
although in later years it was changed to a hard plastic cover and no


----- Original Message -----
From: "Douglas Gaither" <>
To: "mg list" <>
Sent: Tuesday, March 15, 2005 5:59 AM
Subject: I Need Starter Help!

> I have a '66B that is just on the road.  I went to start is and all I
> got was a 'click'.

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