I believe Waxoyl, a British product is wax dissolved in mineral spirits
with a little rust inhibitor. It is extremely good. But better yet is
Dinitrol (or Dinol) which is twice the price but lasts ten times
longer, The latter is available in USA but is sold in the aircraft
industry, They told me that car people in the USA would nor pay for Dinol
as it was more expensive and they did not keep cars for 10 years !!!!! I
ann using it on mt MGB GT V8
At 08:08 AM 2/24/2004, Howard Battan wrote:
>Hey, all, I've read several times of the use of "Waxoyl" for rust
>prevention or similar uses. Just what is Waxoyl, and where can I get it?
>Howard Battan
>'57 MGA in pieces
>Subject: Re: MGB Replacement gas tank
>I would cover the top of the tank with either Waxoyl or a rubber based
>undercoat. Most MGB Tanks rust from the top when moisture is trapped
>between the tank and the body.
Barrie Robinson