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Re: Gauge troubleshooting

To: Eric J Russell <>
Subject: Re: Gauge troubleshooting
From: Bullwinkle <>
Date: Wed, 10 Dec 2003 19:46:52 -0600
> Also, the tach is just dead.  I
> could whack the glass a few times and wake it up, but
> it's been getting increasingly bad.  Now it hardly
> ever works at all.  I can beat the bejeezus out of it
> and nothing.

get a bigger hammer?

As the tach is electrical, I can think of two things:

1)  There's a loose or poor connection, most likely in the tach as it
responds to vibration.  (pounding and maybe a bigger hammer)
2)  It's dirty and sticking due to dirt and old grease.  Again,
vibration causes it to free up.  (ditto)


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